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Lunch Box Ideas
Sit Down Meals
Family Health Maintenance
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Moms' Corner
12 Guidelines to Optimum Health
Fourteen Most Important Foods to Eat Organic
Natural, Homemade Alternatives to Toxins
Natural Products for Your Home
Words to Live By
Gift Ideas for Children
Recommended Reading
Who We Are
Born empty-handed, Die empty-handed I experienced life at its fullest Empty handed.
Marlo Morgan
Mutant Message Down Under
Nothing in the world Is softer than water-- but we know it can wear away the hardest of things.
Why Choose Organic Foods? . . .First off, organic food tastes better! Buy an organically grown strawberry or apple. Bite into the fruit. Then, bite into an apple or strawberry that is not organic. You will taste the difference.
Organic food is vibrant, not dying, as foods from conventionally grown farms are. When you bite into a live, organic food, your body immediately responds energetically. It is as if your mouth and body were shouting "Hurray! This is what we have been looking for! Take the challenge. Try it yourself.
You put far fewer pesticides into your body! Conventional, or "non-organic" farmers, spray all kinds of toxic poisons onto the food you inevitably put into your and your children's' bodies. We're sorry, but no amount of poison purposefully placed into food, is alright to do. Conventional farmers also utilize human sludge as fertilizer, irradiate their crops, and plant genetically-modified seeds that the human body has never encountered.
Organic farmers rely on natural pest control, nurtured and maintained rich soils, complimentary plant groupings, lunar cycles, etc. They do not use toxic pesticides and do not use seedlings or seeds that have been DNA-altered (genetically-modified) or pharmaceutically-"enriched". Organic farmers use the riches the Creator gave us, not the profit products CEO's would rather we buy (unknowingly even!) in order to pay for their well-padded salaries.
Organic products and organic farming, is sustainable. Organic farming works with, and for the Earth. It is good for the crops, for the water we drink and the waters still in the ground, for the ocean, for the rain, for the air we and our children breathe, and, for Life itself.
Be healthy. Stay healthy. Eat organic . . .
And, for a bigger step, when you are ready, . . . Live an organic lifestyle that encompasses using organic materials in all aspects of your life. Here are some resources and suggestions to give you ideas, one step at a time . . .
Lifekind, makers of chemical-free bedding and cozy, organic sleeping items.
Abundant Earth, purveyors of products and philosophies that contribute to a sane and sustainable world.
Wear natural fibers such as silk, wool, organic cotton, linen, etc.
Do not buy items that require dry cleaning. PERC, the primary chemical used by dry cleaners, pollutes the air, water, and increases a woman's chances of getting cancer!
Buy natural cosmetics/personal hygiene products. For a list of some products we use and love, see Mom's Corner and our Links page.
Use mass transportation, whenever possible. Ride your bike. Walk. Share a ride with a good friend. Tell your neighbor you are going to the store, and ask them if you can pick anything up for them while you are there.
Buy cars or boats with dual power sources. Good examples are electric battery cars, sailboats. Ask suppliers for cars that run on solar power, or for boat engines that have solar capabilities.
Use energy systems for your home that utilize solar power, wind power (essential if you live in a high wind area!) and waterpower. Do not support, or use, nuclear power, if at all possible. Nuclear power is not life-sustaining, in fact, it is life-draining. The nuclear power industry has poor safeguards in place for the safety of the citizens living near their reactors. In fact, a motion has been passed calling for an increase in the amount of domestic nuclear reactors, and, increased indemnification of Owner Corporations in the event of leakage, explosion and/or negligence. Additionally, nuclear owners will have NO responsibility at all for future cleanups of any spill or explosion. As for nuclear waste, there are no positive, peace-keeping, environmentally-friendly uses for nuclear waste. The only method currently used in the disposal of nuclear waste, is to seal it, then bury it in the ocean, or under the ground. Sounds fine for the short term, in the long term--the storage cans leak!
We have friends who are nuclear scientists, who support solar power over nuclear power, but claim that there is no substantial funding for research utilizing the sun's energy. . . So . . . let's get the funding! Send an email to your local representative, whether or not they may support the idea of solar energy funding. They are public servants, and their job requires them to listen to you. Go green (or sun-shiny yellow, in this case)!
Utilize native plants in your garden. As Marcus Aurelius said: "Always run to the short way; and the short way is the natural: accordingly say and do everything in conformity with the soundest reason. For such a purpose frees a man (or woman) from trouble, and warfare, and all artifice and ostentatious display." So, . . if Echinacea grows in your woodland fields, cultivate a love of purples and pinks, learn to tincture it, then help your friends with their colds! And, if nothing grows in your yard, go Zen. Use rocks. Make it pretty.
Grow your own food! Buy organic seeds from Seeds of Change. Get tips on how to manage your sustainable garden from Organic Gardening Magazine.
Trade in your pesticides and toxic cleaners! Visit Seventh Generation's website, or our own "Alternatives to Toxins", or "Under the Sink" suggestions.
Buy or make houses made of organic material. Homes can be made from certified wood, clay, straw bale, or, even of recycled, non-toxic products.
Start your own recycling program, if there is none. Start it at your workplace, at home, at your school. Ask if your favorite restaurant recycles. Every little bit helps. "It IS a wonderful thing that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world". Thank you for that reminder, Anne Frank.
Re-use. Stop the consumerism trend of buy new, buy more--it is unsustainable. Visit your local used bookstores, antique stores, gently-used clothing stores and neighborhood garage sales. You'd be amazed at what you find. Don't forget to recycle what you don't use in your own closet or on your bookshelf. Give to your favorite charity or homeless shelter.
Have a garage can on hand, with a tight-fitting lid, to store water when it rains. Use this water for your plants. Keep the lid on securely to keep the mosquitoes away. Buy a long-handled pan at a garage sale, it works really well for spooning.
Save glass bottles. Use these to fill with spring or filtered water and to carry with you to work or on short-car trips instead of using small soft-plastic bottles. Glass doesn't leach. See Dangers of Plastics.
Recycle those toxins already in the home--ammonia, paint, batteries, computer parts, etc. Search Google for the toxic waste recycling center nearest you.
Don't buy aerosols. You can already feel the intensity of the sun, compared to ten years ago. Aerosols contribute to the thinning of the ozone layer. Use pump sprays.
Use natural cleaning supplies. Make sure they list all their ingredients. If they do not list, then they are trying to hide something. Compare the ingredients to Toxins to Avoid in Everyday Products. We have found that most cleaning products in a regular supermarket are not good for you or the environment. See our suggestions for natural Alternatives to Toxins.
Shop organic grocers. Click here to find the organic grocers or CSA's nearest you. If there are none near you, drop a request for organic produce, foods and products with your neighborhood grocer.
Read, instead of watch television. Reading broadens your mind, keeps you focused, saves energy, and teaches your kids that calmness is cool. Television, on the other hand, is controlled by only three entities. Who's opinion do you want to live your life by, yours, or THEIRS?
Use rechargeable batteries or better yet, don't buy products that use batteries at all. When Not in Use, Turn Off the Juice. Turn off your computer, lights, radio, TV when your are not actively using them. Save your power for a "rainy day".
Compost your fresh fruits, leaves, wood, nut shells, etc. Use a wood chipper to grind big pieces into great weed-preventing ground cover that looks nice.
Plant trees. Trees are angels on earth. They feed us, give us shelter, clean our air, supply us with a myriad of products from paper to medicines, and modulate our global temperatures. If you cut down one tree, plant two in its place. There is a nice book, Man of the Trees by Richard St. Barbe Baker, two fine websites, Tree People.Org and Tree Link.Org devoted to trees and a Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Wangari Maathai that has helped Kenya via the planting of trees.
Here is a seriously disturbing report issued by the U.S. Department of Defense, that warns of our planet's dangerous predicament if we all do not halt our excessive consumption, pollution creation, and deforestation. To read, you will need Adobe Acrobat. Plant trees!!!!
Use unbleached paper products. Chlorine, when used to bleach paper, cotton and flour, to name a few products, suffocates, pollutes and causes cancer.
Use cotton diapers instead of disposables.
Use essential oils for scenting laundry or as room fresheners. A few drops in a glass spray bottle filled with water work wonders. Lemon, lavender or "Purification" are lovely and beat out anything synthetically constructed.
Do not use PVC in plumbing. PVC leaches into water, wrecks havoc on hormones, and clogs the immune system. Use copper or polyethylene in your pipes. However, if you are going to use copper, make sure your water supplier is not disinfecting tap water with chloramines and/or have used lead solder. Step Lively. Step Green. Enjoy the Dance. The Dance is Life!
Email us with suggestions to augment, or correct, the list we have provided on greening a lifestyle.
Read Natural Home Magazine for more suggestions on how to apply your philosophy to your home and for a list of green suppliers.
Organics, organics, organics.
Choose organics, whenever possible.
 Organic food over sythesized foods, Organic fibers over sythesized clothing, A Natural Life over a sythesized Life.
It is better to light one small candle, than to curse the darkness.
--Confucius |