Baby Comforts
Breakfast for Champions
Lunch Box Ideas
Sit Down Meals
Family Health Maintenance
Hygiene/Bath Essentials
Moms' Corner
Fourteen Most Important Foods to Eat Organic
Words to Live By
How to Buy From Us
Who We Are
A child is like a tree. While still young and tender, make sure it grows straight and tall to reach the stars. If the tree is allowed to bend in a wayward way, it can never grow straight again. --Ponciano Ramirez Sr., descendant of Chiricahua Chieftain, Geronimo
"Di porque, di me Abuelita. Di porque, eres tan buena. Di porque, eres la estrella. Di me Abuelita por que." --Spanish children's song for Grandma Circa 1960's |
Breakfast for Champions
Westsoy Lite Soy Milk Good for individuals who have allergies to dairy or would like to increase their intake of soy. Ingredients: Filtered water, organic soy beverage (filtered water, organic soy beans) brown rice syrup, natural vanilla flavor with other natural flavors, carrageenan, sea salt. Go to:
(Just type in "Westsoy" in Search Box).
Meyenberg Goat Milk Goat milk is easier to assimilate than milk from cattle, and is extremely delicious. Try it in mashed potatoes instead of milk! Available in liquid or dry form. Ingredients:Goat milk and folic acid. To purchase, go to:
(Just type in "Meyenberg" in Search Box) |
Milk, Yogurt, Cheese and Butter: Yes, good for almost every body. However, nowadays, our cows are raised in: Crowded, stressful conditions, Fed less-expensive genetically-modified grains and ground beef-by-products. Ingestion of GMO grains alters the genetic code of the cow's intestinal bacteria, is passed directly into the milk-stream, which is therefore passed into our our milk-drinking children. A cow eating her own kind changes the herbivore to carnivore increasing incidence of mad-cow disease and causing subtle, but seriously detrimental, genetic alteration in the animal and its' dairy and meat products. Pumped full of synthetic hormones to increase milk production and girth. and ... Doused with antibiotics. It has been proven that antibiotics, growth hormones (rBST/rBGH), genetically-modified foodstuffs/bacteria and stress from unbearable living conditions, is passed to the consumer in meat and milk.--- Why else are our kids larger than ever before, our girls are reaching puberty before the age of 9, and the efficacy of antibiotics egregiously diminished?! (Also see effects of BPA on hormone-disruption).
KidsOrganics recommends buying organic milk, butter and cheeses, from reputable and honorable farmers such as Horizon Organic Dairy, Clover Stornetta Farms,, Stonyfield Farms (our kids are Stonyfield yogurt fans!!) and Organic Valley Family of Farms, whenever possible. If not possible, buy from dairies that do not inject their cattle with growth hormones or antibiotics, such as AltaDena.
If you are lactose-intolerant or have out-and-out allergies to milk, try Rice Dream or Blue Diamonds Almond Breeze! KidsOrganics.com carries:
Non-Fat Dry Milk from Organic Valley.
Sprinkle on your child's oatmeal, in your coffee, or have on-hand for emergencies. It lasts one year in the cupboard. Ingredients: Pasteurized organic skim milk. Price: $7.50 for 12 oz.
  Pacific Bakeries Breads Also available: Rye. Delicious, firmly packed organic bread. Great for individuals who are wheat or yeast intolerant, or allergy-free people who just want an incredible-tasting bread. Freezes and stores very well. Price: $6.25 for Spelt
$6.25 for Rye $6.25 for Kamut $6.25 for White Spelt (tastes like Sourdough).
| Cascadian Farms Jams Delicious, organic fruit jams. Available in: Raspberry, Plum, Strawberry, Peach, Concord Grape, Blueberry, Blackberry and Apricot. Ingredients: Organic sugar, organic fruit, water, pectin, lemon juice, citric acid.
To purchase, go to:
Just type in "Cascadian".
Buy your eggs from a store that carries organically fed, range-free, hormone-free and antibiotic-free chickens. The difference in taste will surprise you. These eggs will more than likely be brown or even have a bluish tint to the shell. Beautiful. |
 For the above reasons mentioned under "Milk", we recommend opting for organic meats whenever possible. Here are a few names of companies that produce a superior product:
Organic Valley, Shelton's Poultry in Pomona, CA, (--great Turkey Franks, Turkey Bacon, Italian Sausage. Our kids can't get enough of this stuff!), Petaluma Poultry, growers of the famous "Rosie's Chickens"--of which are the most delicious-tasting chickens we have ever had! Try them roasted with olive oil, rosemary and garlic! Range-Free Beef Larson's Green Farms LLC, Half Circle Ranch, Laura's Lean Beef, Lasater Grasslands Beef, and Prather Ranch in Northern California .
| Honey Vanilla Chamomile
What a lovely little herbal tea by Celestial Seasonings this is. The kids call it "Grandma Tea". It warms them on wintry nights, when they have a cold, or whenever their nerves need a gentle calming. Serve it warm or over ice. We recommend this particular tea, as it continues to be a favorite consistently, and does not remain undrunk in the cup. :)
Ingredients: Chamomile flowers, orange peel, natural honey vanilla flavor with other natural flavors, licorice root, roasted chicory root, and lemon grass. To purchase, go to:
Just type in "Celestial".
| Juices
 There are many "juice" beverages out there in the open supermarkets that are not juice. Typically, anything that has the terms "Punch", "Juice Drink" or "Nectar" in the product name or logo, contains large amounts of sugar or corn syrup and heavy doses of artificial colorants. KidsOrganics recommends reading the labels. Our kids are so full of energy already, that they don't need more sugar and certainly don't need the adverse nerve-zapping that they get from petroleum-based "artificial colors". Buy only 100% juice. And again, if you can, buy it organic. (See Fourteen Most Important Foods to Eat Organic, and apply the list to juices.
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