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If you want happiness for an hour--take a nap. If you want happiness for a day--go fishing. If you want happiness for a month--get married. If you want happiness for a year--inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime--help someone else.
--Chinese Proverb |
Gifts for Children
Chinaberry Envelope Mill Learn to recycle and reuse paper of all sorts, wrapping paper, stamps, cards, ribbon, and make envelopes the post office will envy and the recipient will treasure.
Real Baking Kit, But child size! Now they can really help, on a miniature scale! Chinaberry Real Baking Set |
Custom Cookie Cutter This is a custom-made cookie cutter replicating your own child's little hand. To make great cookies out of. To keep forever and ever. Perhaps the kids might even pass it along to their children when they are grown. Sob. Chinaberry Custom Cookie Cutter |
 Here is a great kit to make your own Valentines. Teaches ingenuity. Chinaberry Valentine Kit |
Fairy Night-Light Make all those bumps in the night, go bye-bye with the ever-watchful fairies. Comfy sleep. Chinaberry Fairy Night Light |
Magic Fairy Dust For special days, or regular days when magical thoughts are required. Chinaberry Fairy Dust |
Fairy Tent Lovely way to bring real magic to a party or a little girl's room. To give this wonderland, go to Magic Cabin Dolls
. |
Silken Wings To fly about in. To wrap oneself up in. To dream. Chinaberry Silken Wings |
Dream Pillow Filled with lavender. Smells so lovely, and feels so soft. Keep some lavender essential oil on hand for refreshing. Visit Magic Cabin Dolls
for more lovely gift ideas. |
|  Rainbow Silk Blanket Soft and lovely. Our children loved hugging them and drifting off to sleep. Find it at MagicCabin
. |
 The Wind Boy "Books just don't come much more refreshing and uplifting than this one. With the magic and fantasy of a classic myth and the ageless charm of a beloved fairy tale, THE WIND BOY is one of those stories that truly speaks to both children and adults alike." Again, found at Chinaberry.
Trusty Steed Recycled Tire Swing If you have a sturdy tree, you must get this wonderful swing, sure to be a sweet pastime memory. Found at the lovely Magic Cabin.
 "Quick Search" for "tire swing". |
Rock Polisher. Got to have one for the child who cannot go on a walk without coming home with a pocketful of rocks. Chinaberry Rock Polisher |
Trick Photography Kit Non-breakable camera with interesting tips on photographic illusion. Ages 8+. Find this kit at Usborne Publishing. |
 The Book of Juggling by R. Gibson Give them the opportunity to try learning, and perfecting, a skill few know how to do. It is fun and takes persistence, which is a great lesson.:) To view more on this kit, go to Usborne Publishers. |
For other wonderful companies carrying wooden toys or toys which inspire, please visit Magic Cabin Dolls, Hearthsong, and Natural Baby Company, where we bought all our priceless baby toys that lasted from newborn through to toddlerhood, and child to child.
Give what you have. To someone it may be better Than you dare to think.
--Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
"S" is for the Stars that shiver and burn beyond the rim of the earth, For the snowdrops drenched by spring rain, For the nightingale's song for the hissing snake, For the moon-swollen seas, and the silence of underground caverns.
Brian Patten The Blue and Green Ark |