Besides using the products mentioned to maintain your health, sanity and exterior beauty, here are a few tips to keep you healthy, inside out.Drink lots of mountain spring water, make sun water in a glass container, and use water filters for your tap water.
Try yoga--wonderful for flexibility, breathing, and revitalizing energy centers.
Regarding sanitary protection--do not use tampons--too much bleach, pesticides and chemical fragrances entering directly into your body. Opt instead for sanitary pads, unbleached and unscented, or cloth, of course.
Use deodorant instead of anti-perspirants. Anti-perspirants tend to use aluminum salts and prohibit your body from detoxifying itself. A body unable to detoxify itself, is a body soon to break down.
Shaving--Do not apply deodorants to freshly-broken skin. Shave the night before, prior to bedtime, then apply only natural products before you go out the next morning.
Don't drink, eat from, or warm your foods in plastic. Find alternatives like stainless steel water bottles. See research article by on plastics and PVC, or these articles by, and reporting on the massive negative effect that plastics, bpA(Bisphenol-A), PVC and other chemicals, have on breast cells. Bisphenol-A is a plastic used to line our canned goods and water bottles. PVC is a wide-spread ingredient in baby bottles and baby toys, as well as plumbing lines leading water to our homes.
Minimize or avoid products that will toxify your system--pesticides on plants and foods, cosmetics with harmful ingredients, too much exposure to electronic devices, such as microwaves, cell phones, computers...
(See Shirley's Wellness Cafe Newsletter)
Eat plenty of organic fresh fruit and vegetables. Seek out organic foods in your supermarket, Community Supported Agriculture Programs, or our website.
Get out and feel the ground under your feet. Go barefoot! Do this everyday, kids or no kids. To feel the earth, is to ground yourself.